Gail Oliver Design

I Just Finished a Product Photography Project!

Gail Oliver DesignComment

I just completed a project for Cultural Interiors, a culturally eclectic home decor and gift boutique in the Los Angeles area... The products were Artisan Yixing Clay Teapots. They were shot for Cultural Interior's ecommerce website.

And I had a ball!

I am now doing Product Photography... If there is anything I can do for you and your company, let me know.
Your Brand… Is what distinguishes you from the others.
Your Brand's visual content is the overall look that attracts customers to your product.
Your Brand's product photography is a vital tool to visually communicate your unique products to the World…. Whether it be for the Web presence or for print.

Product Photography
Art, Hand Made Crafts, Home Decor and Household Items, Accessories, Electronics, Personal Care Products.

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